Thursday, February 14, 2013

Do-It-Yourself beauty products gone wrong...

You know what?  I’m 31 years old….there are some things I should have figured out about myself by now, and one of those things is that Do-It-Yourself beauty products are NOT designed for people like me.  These things should have warning labels on them to remind us.  Something along the lines of “This product is unsuitable for people prone to mishaps and/or incapable of following simple instructions without ending up burnt, cut, bald, violently ill or permanently disfigured.”
Every now and then though, I’m inspired to give it all another go despite past experiences that SHOULD leave me (and have, quite literally) scarred for life and determined never to fall prey to the same misfortune again.

Today I found myself in the midst of another episode of DIY home beauty product disasters.  *sigh*  I’m trying to save money at the moment, basically that’s what it comes down to.  Ideally I should have gone to the hairdressers and got my hair colour done and my eyebrows waxed, then followed it up with a facial and a nice lunch.  But instead I decided to save myself some serious cash and have my own little lovely relaxing “day spa” type experience at home.

First, I purchased a permanent hair colour (for the first time) when I got the groceries which involved 20 minutes of examining six billion different boxes all claiming to do amazing things.  The one with the picture of an avocado on the front won me over…it looked very convincingly natural and beautifying.  Once home I googled “home made facial recipe” and found one made with lemon juice, coconut oil and honey.  Images of me with my naturally induced glowing skin, flicking my thick shiny dark brown hair around my shoulders (it’s grown somehow too) fill my head.  This is going to be great!

So, I wasn’t silly about it….I spent a good few minutes reading the instructions of the hair colour first.  I mix the different things together and shake the bottle vigorously.  I strip off my top and bra as I don’t want to get stuff all over my pretty things.  And then I set about squirting it all over my head, “massaging it through from the roots to the tips”.  Too easy!!  I bundle my hair on top of my head and pull off the gloves, most satisfied with my efforts.  Time for the eyebrows! I wasn’t silly enough to give home waxing another go (long story, also with sad ending) so I get out the tweezers and pluck away enthusiastically.  My interest starts to wane a bit on the second eyebrow though and I give up halfway through.  I decide one nicely plucked brow is better than none, right?  

Facemask time!! This is the bit I’m excited about.  I lather the goop all over my face feeling quite the lady of leisure…massaging as I go.  But quite suddenly, my eyebrows feel like they are on fire.  What the!?  Oh right, lemon juice on freshly plucked eyebrows may not be the best thing.  I persist though, wincing as I finish off.  It’s dripping a bit down my neck and nose but I don’t lose motivation.

Right, so that’s done and  I’ve got 10 minutes left before I need to wash my hair out.  I check how it’s going.  Hmm…it’s very black.  It’s kind of on the skin around the hairline too and I look very much like a lego man with his black square hair that you can pull off.

So…I decide to relax and eat some lunch while I wait the ten minutes.  I wander out to the fridge and find a leftover turkey rissole from last night’s dinner.  I zap it in the microwave then sit at the bench to eat it.  When I open my mouth I get a dribble of honey, lemon juice and coconut oil in my mouth.  The first mouthful of rissole burns my tongue, it’s way too hot and as I’m trying to do that sexy mouth hanging open flapping around thing you do to get some cold air in and save my taste buds, a piece falls down and next thing my left boob is scalded with a big chunk of half chewed turkey rissole.  How this happened I do not understand because it’s not exactly poking out all that far to be sufficiently considered in “the line of fire” so go figure.  I quickly pull it off and race to the sink to rinse it with cool water….as I’m doing so I notice something strange.  Black dots in random places over my chest, stomach, and arms.  Huh?  I look closer….oh even on my ankle!  I suddenly realise this is the hair colour that I obviously flicked everywhere as I applied it.  Excellent, I look like a cheetah.  Certain it will come off in the shower, I get back to finishing my rissole quickly so I can get to the rinsing out part.

I have two minutes left so decide to put my shoes back in the wardrobe…I’m so productive you see, not a minute is wasted in this house!  As I lean down to put them on the rack, my head makes contact with a row of dresses hanging down.   Damn it!  Black marks all over them.  I rip them off their hangers and run (still half naked mind you) down to the laundry to submerge them in a bucket and try to save them.

Right, let’s get this stuff out before I do anymore damage.  I enter the bathroom and note black dots all over the floor tiles.  Hmmm.  Whoops.  I examine my lego hair in the mirror while I wait for the water to heat and notice big red splotches on my face from the “mask”.  Lovely.  Not exactly the healthy glow I was aiming for.
As I’m rinsing the colour out in the shower, the grouting is the next thing to be splashed and blackened….but I’m at the point where I’m like “whatever everything is covered in black spots”.  I am still a cheetah….the spots don’t wash off my body and I’m trying to rinse the “mask” off but the oil just slides around my face and my eyebrows and left boob are burning under the hot water.

Somehow, the hair colour is mostly a success (black spots everywhere aside), it’s true that the roots are obviously a much lighter colour than the rest of my hair (it SAID to avoid massaging it into the scalp!) but still…I’m just pleased I didn’t end up with a permanent lego hair look.  It’s now three hours later and the red splotches on my face have faded (happy days!) but the glow never came.  My eyebrows came through relatively unscathed and my left boob has only a very superficial turkey rissole shaped burn.

So I suppose I shouldn’t be too disheartened.  Things could definitely be worse.  Like the time I inadvertently purchased tanning lotion thinking it was hand cream.  That one took three hours of soaking my hands in straight bleach to fix.  Or the time as a teenager that I was shaving my legs in the shower and I reached up to scratch my head with the razor in my hand.  That took about six months for the bald patch to grow back.  

Or the time I was driving home to get ready for a big night out and in the afternoon sun, I flicked the rear view mirror down to check myself out and was repulsed to see I had a GINORMOUS big moustache that somehow I had never ever noticed before.  I immediately pulled into a chemist to purchase hair removal cream, holding my hand over my top lip as I was served to hide the hideous growth there.  I raced home to lather the cream on my lip, relieved as soon as it was sitting there.  But when I wiped the cream off, yes the hair was gone but I was left with a flaming red line above my lip that just got angrier and redder when I tried to sooth it with moisturizer.  I had to coat on about 87 layers of foundation to try to hide it and was left with a brownish reddish very odd looking bar above my lip.

Not to mention that when I first discovered the joys of plucking your eyebrows, I got ever so slightly carried away by the whole process and from the ages of 15 to about 17 I had no eyebrows.  Those are the photos I try not to look at hanging on Mum and Dads walls.

So really, in the grand scheme of things, today’s mishaps were indeed very minor.  But they still left me feeling a little frazzled and very tempted to open the bottle of wine sitting there for later tonight.  I suppose, on a positive note, my 4 year old niece will be most delighted with my cheetah look when she sees me tomorrow!