Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thank you for your assistance predictive text...

Yes when I started with "We really should..." the next word I was looking for quite possibly could have been:


and those words probably would have fit just as well as "stop" which is what I was actually after, and in fairness you did EVENTUALLY suggest it for me.

So handy modern technology isn't it?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Construction workers and tights worn as pants

Been a while huh? I actually have nothing of significance to write in here either, but stumbled across the link and thought I would share more random rubbish I have thought about recently.

*About construction workers. We live in a new suburb right, and so walk past many a construction site on a regular basis and are therefore subjected to the whole wolf-whistling and ever so complimentary hollerings that happens when you are female and happen across a scenario such as this. I've discovered something bizarre. When I walk past, and hear the not-so-sublte shouts and whistles I mutter to myself what pigs they are, I even almost make that "tsk tsk" sound and shake my head to myself. How revolting! What, like they REALLY think we enjoy that? Treating women like some kind of object, I mean honestly!

But....then you walk past sometimes and there's nothing. You wait for it, you wait for it.....but all you hear is the hammering and the saws and the radio blaring. What the hell? Er, hello, did you not see me just now?? *try flicking hair* Nothing. You look down at what you are wearing and think, hey I look alright, I don't get it? *walk a little slower cause almost completley past and still no hollers or whistles* And feel just a little bit indignant about it all.

Go figure hey? Cause then the next time you walk past one and are bombarded with the comments, whistles and stares that make you wish the ground would open up and swallow you, you find yourself cursing them again, thinking how disgusting they are.

*Latest fashion I am not a fan of: tights/leggings worn as pants. Not cool. With long shirt that covers shiny bottom? - that's okay, that's cute even, quite a fan of that. With normal t-shirt that means when walking behind you all I can do is stare at your somewhat see-through leggings knowing exactly what type of undies you are wearing and somewhat transfixed by the movement of your bum cheeks as you walk? - REALLY REALLY NOT OKAY. First few times I saw this I did actually wonder whether at some point during the day, they looked down and went "oh crap, I forgot to put my skirt on!"

Had more irrelevant and uninteresting stuff I was going to ramble on with, but I really ought to do something productive before night shift tonight huh....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pantene and homework.

Okay I rarely watch TV anymore nowadays so I miss a lot of stuff. Tonight I am watching and there is a new pantene ad. Hair ads always grate on my nerves but this one is just ridiculous. A few chicks with ultra shiny GHD'd hair wearing blindfolds that supposedly are amazed at how their hair has suddenly become so much silkier and smoother after using Pantene.

Okay so firstly...Were they wearing the blindfolds while someone washed, conditioned, blow dried and straightened their hair?? Is that even possible? And secondly the ad says "after 14 days". They were wearing blindfolds for FOURTEEN DAYS!!?? And never touched their hair once during that time?

Also ridiculous - Emma comes home with her second homework sheet for the year. We sit down the first day she gets it to get stuck into it since you know, it's the second week of school and we are all organised and not frantically scribbling out stuff the morning it's due, swearing that next week will be different and all that...

So, I currently have a cold (don't even get me started on venting about snot. SO WRONG. Vile stuff. Even my own. *gag*) plus I've come off night shift so my usually high level of intellect is somewhat compromised at the moment. Two questions on the sheet had me completely perplexed and questioning my sanity:

Q1. Ben arrives at the Valentines day dance half an hour late. What time does Ben arrive?

Q2. Ben wants to buy an ice cream and a drink of juice at the dance. How much money does he need?

There was no other information relating to those questions. I sat there for like ten minutes re-reading and re-reading and thinking "there is something wrong with me, why can't I figure this out??"

So this morning I decide I will swallow my pride for the sake of my child's education and admit to the teacher I am struggling with my daughters year 2 homework. Imagine my relief when she explained they forgot to copy in the text with the information necessary to answer the questions. Oh well of course, I mean OBVIOUSLY. I just wanted to point out the error to her was all.
