Sunday, February 14, 2010

Old people at the gym

I'd like to tell you my absence is a result of my immersion in the book and writing and all that, but sadly, no it isn't. I intend to get cracking on my writing this week, no more excuses I think I need to allocate a certain amount of time everyday like I do with the gym and just DO IT. I'm wishing I hadn't told people about it to be honest because I'm not sure it's good enough for other people to read and enjoy and now when I sit down to write instead of it just being for fun I'm thinking "would Wendy like this bit?" or "ohhhh Mum might not like that" ha ha. So I think I have to convince myself no one is going to read it and just have fun. I can edit out the explicit swearing and massive raunchy sex scenes before Mum reads it anyway (joking Mum JOKING). Anyways...speaking of the gym...
I have a bit of a vent I'm afraid. Look don't get me wrong I'm all for old folk (sorry again Mum, you probably shouldn't read this entry at all you may not talk to me again) keeping fit and all that jazz. In fact I'm hopeful that I'll still be going to the gym when I'm 60 or whatever, but....they really really annoy me most of the time. The way they walk on the treadmill at 3km an hour on THE BEST treadmill (situated in optimal position for best air conditioner and fan utilisation) chatting to their buddy next to them about who knows what (weather most likely ha ha). THEN they get on the frikkin weight circuit that CLEARLY states the rules of etiquette behind it. No more than 5 mins per machine blah blah blah. Argh they sit on the machine, their little friend follows them over and they TALK AND TALK AND TALK. Every few minutes they do ONE rep with the weights and then they sit there and keep talking. The hilarious thing is they talk about how "You know, I spend like 2 hours here some mornings and all I have lost so far is 2kgs. It must be because I'm gaining muscle....." For like 20 minutes they stay on that same machine while I'm finishing the whole circuit.
I break the rules and skip that machine and go around them and come back and they are still sitting there blabbing away. ARgh. Of course, all I do is huff and puff and make it really obvious I am waiting when what I actually want to do is yell at them "The reason you have only lost 2kgs is because the only calories you burn in the 2 hours you are here is used GOSSIPING to your friends. Bugger off to a coffee shop somewhere instead. I have a LIFE and a job to get to and just want to use that frikkin machine for 3 minutes and then go home!". Maybe after a night shift sometime I'll reach breaking point and you'll see me on the news for attacking an older woman at the gym with a barbell. I wonder if there is a name for it like Road Rage? Man I just wasted five minues of my life sitting here trying to think of some witty kind of spin off on road rage. I got nothing.
Oh my other gripe is PASSWORDS. Why isn't there a universal "rule" for passwords. Like how many characters and numbers and blah blah blah. I spend ridiculous amounts of time (spent swearing and stabbing the keys in frustration on the keyboard) trying to remember which frikkin password I decided to use on some random account that I haven't used for 2 months. Sometimes if I can...I'll give up (which I HATE doing, I feel I am admitting some sort of cowardly defeat that a little man in an office somewhere witnesses when he gets my "I forgot my password" notification and he chuckles smugly to himself and thinks "another one!") and hit the "forgot my password" option and I get the email sent to me and I look at it and go "WHAT THE HELL???? What was I smoking that day?? Why on earth would I use that as a password?" And I know they say you shouldn't use kids names and birth dates and all that jazz...but what other option is there if you actually want to remember it?? I get desperate and look around the room I'm in so I end up with stupid passwords like "candl3" - see, it seems clever at the time because instead of an "e" I used a "3"...tricky right?? Yeah, try recalling that 8 weeks later when your sitting in a different room with no frigging candles on display going "now what would it be??"
Anyways...vent over, must get out of my sweaty gym clothes and do some exciting motherly things like hang out washing and get groceries and then maybe I can sneak in a bit of writing before I pick the kidlets up from school.
Oh - and in case you were wondering I did survive Valentines Day without stabbing any random kissing strangers with a bic pen from my bag. I didn't dissolve into sobs at the check out of the shops when seeing some dude buying flowers. So kudos to me hey? Kids and I hung out at the lagoon for the afternoon then had a candle lit dinner of homemade burgers with softdrink in wine glasses LOL. Will put a photo up soon....


  1. Totally hear your pain about the password issue. I hate when it wont let you use symbols or numbers, or only 6 digits or whatever because I have to change the passwords I use for different things.

    And then when you forget two months later, it never comes up with a screen that says "your password was in lower case with no numbers" so you can remember what you would have concocted....very frustrating!!!

  2. Would like to remind you that one day you too will be an old person at the gym I hope!! Have to understand your frustration at their lack of consideration - I probably would have said the comments myself!! Yes I tend to use the same password whenever possible and get frustrated when I can't - we have one system that insists on a different one every time and I have ended up with "trouble" "bother" "pain" which reflects my lack of creativity with passwords. And then I have to store them somewhere so I won't forget them.......
