Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Laser beam pointers and spiders (again!)

Okay so only two major "issues" I wish to discuss today - both rather petty and "random" but what more would you expect from me really??
The first is a result of training session I attended at work today. It was about handing aggressive (verbal and physical) assault in the workplace (patients and their families) and was actually quite informative - that was not the issue. The dude who was running the program was also quite good as a trainer - no issues there. HOWEVER....when using the power point presentation he insisted on using one of those little red beam pointer things. Now...I understand they have their useful purposes...particularly in a huge lecture room where the presenter cannot reach the screen to point, and they are using diagrams etc. This dude though was standing right next to the if he desperately wanted to point to something he could have used his arm and finger.....AND they were like 2 sentence slides. No graphs/charts etc that are difficult to interpret. So every frikkin line he was pointing word by word as he read them out. was driving me insane. It meant I was no longer paying any attention at all to what he was trying to teach me, I was too busy fantasising about jamming the pointer up his left nostril while the room full of people applauded. Was I brave enough to write it on the feedback form? "The super sonic laser beam pointer SUCKED"? No I didn't. Big wuss right here. secondly I had another spider incident last night. I know, you'd swear I live in the jungle or something the amount of wildlife I encounter on a regular basis. I need to hire a full time ranger to hang out in my lounge room. I wake up from night shift sleep at 2pm and stumble into the bathroom and see this huntsman (not massive, but reasonably big) on the wall above the shower...I cringe and get the sweats and slowly back from the room (like he is suddenly going to pounce on me if I move too quickly). I go get the kids from school and semi-forget about it till that night. I walk back into the en suite that night and there it's hardly moved...just waiting for me to have a shower. HMMMF. So...I go get the insect spray and stand nervously in the bathroom for about 5 minutes, hopping from foot to foot working out my plan of attack and chickening out at the last second every time I went to do it. I finally get up the courage and spray like mad (from about a metre away of course), drenching the hairy thing in half a can of falls onto the shower floor convulsing and shrivelling up into a ball and stuff and I watch it intently (standing on the edge of the spa bath of course) to be sure he can't escape. I decide to drown him just for good measure and run out to grab a cup and fill it with water but by the time I return it is obvious that won't be needed. I watch for a few more minutes, decide I can't possibly have a shower given the circumstance (not brave enough for body removal at this point) and go to bed.
Next afternoon, almost 24 hours post-mortem I decide it is safe to dispose of it's carcass. I can't do the tissue thing to pick it up...way too scary. So I grab the vacuum cleaner and suck it up, goosebumps all over me as I do. I get on with my afternoon then have a shower a few hours later. I find myself standing there feeling rather anxious. My eyes flicker around the room and every little noise or movement makes me jump. I'm convinced that the much larger and hairier sibling of my victim is watching me and waiting to avenge it's brothers death and attack me. Seriously. You think I'm making this up to be amusing I'm sure. But I'm not. So...I survived the shower without anything happening much to my surprise. But now I'm convinced it is just trying to lure me into a false sense of security before, a few nights down the track when I finally walk into the bathroom without scanning every corner and wall - it will pounce and take great delight in my tears and screams. *sigh* you can see it's been a rather stressful day, and I have motherly things to do before I can crawl into bed. Oh yeah...and that writing thing I keep saying I'll do *blush* goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. OK - will make sure I never use a laser when presenting then. Got to admit they have their place in presentation but sounds like he just enjoying playing with it - maybe he was bored!! We really do have to do something about your spider phobia hey......
