Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Irrational fears...

I have a few irrational fears that came up in a discussion on night shift the other night. It started because we were looking at rentals online (dodgy people ha ha - thank you Doctors for your login and password!) and I refused to even consider a house that was otherwise really quite nice because of the bathroom. Firstly it was a bit skanky but mostly it was becase it had A SHOWER CURTAIN. I don't do shower curtains. The girls at work thought it highly amusing that I was terrified of having a shower in a shower with one on because I'd spend the whole time in a frenzied rush with heart palpitations and sweats and all, expecting a stalker to stab me through it at any moment (as per most horror movies I have seen). Irrational yes, but feels very real to me. Mock away, it won't change the fact I would rather stink than subject myself to that sort of terror everyday. And that says a lot because I am normally a 2 showers a day kind of girl - I don't take personal hygiene lightly I have to say.
So that got us into a discussion on irrational fears we all have. I seemed to have the most. I will NOT close my eyes when I wash my face...whether that be at the bathroom sink, or in the shower. Once again, a result of horror flicks. I've seen too many where the person washes their face and when they open their eyes there is a stalker/axe murderer in the reflection of the mirror behind them or standing on the other side of the glass shower door. It stings my eyes like nothing else, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make rather than risking my life by closing them. One of the girls thought this fear was very justified and seemed suddenly alarmed that all these years she had unwittingly closed her eyes while washing her face and vowed she would never do it again. I like to share my fears and educate people on life enhancing survival skills such as this.
Another one I have is when I am unlocking a door at night I always feel like I have to do it AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, like there is someone stalking me and waiting to jump out and grab me if I'm not fast enough. My heart pounds inside my chest and sometimes my hands even shake a bit. Yes, really. Of course, the urgency is even more intense if I happen to drop the keys or something - it only reinforces the feeling of having to rush because then I almost feel like I am on the set of a horror movie because that always frikkin happens in the movies doesn't it? They drop their keys as someone comes running to grab them. Like in the lift...when the doors are closing and someone is coming and you wonder if the doors will close in time? Wow I hadn't considered that one....will be extra careful when I next arrive at work and step into one.
Of course, some people would tell me my fear of spiders is irrational but thats ridiculous. It is a perfectly normal human reaction to scream and flap your arms around and get the sweats and chills and jump onto the nearest high object when you see a big disgusting hairy spider. HOWEVER I do have an irrational fear of praying mantis's (sp?). Those things are the creepiest creature I think I've ever encountered. If one is stuck to my screen door...I will not use that door. Argh they are foul. The way they rock backwards and forwards and the way they can suddenly fly around and then their sticky little legs .....eewwww...seriously, I have goosebumps right now thinking about them. Evil little things.
So....before I have you all thinking I am the most disturbed person on the planet...I would like you to tell me what your irrational fears are?? I'm sure someone must have worse ones than mine right??
Just so you know...if you DON'T reply then in my mind I think your irrational fears are SO ridiculous you are too scared to share them.


  1. good way to get comments ;)

    I have often thought about the face washing one, or especially, cos I have the bathroom cupboard with the mirrors on it, so half the time I expect someone to be behind me when I close the doors. I don't keep my eyes open, I still close them. Even if I expect an axe murderer to be there when I open then. Cos I figure if they're going to be there they'll be there whether I close my eyes or not.

    I don't like spiders but I can kill my own spiders, I don't need to get someone over to kill them for me, only thing is, if I see one, I can't sleep til its dead.

    Other fears??? I keep freaking that my house will fall down. Prob cos I need to get my gutters cleaned before it rains next so it doesn't leak this winter.

    And the standard "OMG somethings going to happen to my kid" fears. The "will I have enough money for everything I need" fears are pretty common too.

    And love love love using the Dr's internet access ;)

  2. Oh my dear Sandy I am so thrilled to have 'found' where you have been hiding this past year! I have some time to catch up on and yet another blog to add to my favourite readings :) Oh lucky me.... I will end this by say - gee you are TOTALLY IRRATIONAL and OMG I never realised!

  3. Spiders...I don't really have any but sometimes worry a bit walking in the dark - sometimes not though. I will admit, however, to having an overwhelming need to have my clothespegs match (one t-shirt, two pegs the same colour). This is not linked to a fear that the Clothespeg Gods will be unkind but does fit neatly (I am well aware) into the realm of the Highly Irrational. Many unsuccessful bids have been made at overcoming said affliction, to no avail. I even threw out all clothespegs and bought all wooden ones so there would be no colours to match...It was discovered quite quickly that clothespegs age rapidly. I soon found myself colour matching the aged wood...
