So, people who know me well know that I have a bit of a tendency to have to figure things out the hard way. I've been like that since I was a child and nothing has really changed. You'd THINK I'd have figured out it's not the ideal way of doing things but no, I haven't.
EVERY SINGLE TIME I pull a tray out of the oven I sit it carefully on the bench using a tea towell to protect me from burning myself. I go do something else for like less than a minute and then I wander back to the tray and think "I wonder if that has cooled down yet?" and promptly burn myself poking it with my finger. No kidding...every time I cook. It reached a point where I'd swear in the kitchen and David would yell out "did you burn yourself checking how hot the tray was again?", and I'd be like "No I certainly did not!" while I ran my finger under the cold water tap.
If someone hands me a hot cup of tea and says "be careful that's really hot" I feel like they are challenging me. What you don't think I can handle it? Just watch me drink it I think to myself and burn my tongue. Then I proclaim "Ow that's really hot!" and look at them like, what did you do that for??
When I was 15 years old I actually put my finger directly onto a car cigarette lighter just to see how hot it was. For the record - it was VERY VERY hot. I still have impaired sensation in that finger tip.
Or like when I was in Melbourne with a girlfriend and we had all our luggage and asked some woman where a particular hotel was and asked "could we walk there?" and she said "no way, not with those bags, it's way too far" and I looked at my friend and said "whatever, we can SO walk it".....30 minutes later I found myself wondering if perhaps that woman had been correct.
Or in a recipe when it says "simmer over a gentle heat for 30 minutes" and I'll think....stuff that, if I just boil it rapidly for 5 minutes that'll save me 25 minutes!! And when it all turns out horribly wrong I wonder if I should have followed the directions more carefully?
Warnings on products or equipment I also tend to test. Like if a paint or something says on it "avoid direct contact with skin" I wonder why it says that? I find myself applying some directly to my skin to see what happens. Often it is hugely dissapointing and nothing happens and I think "ha I knew it". Or if something DOES happen I think "wow fancy that!".
Buttons that say "do not press" really really grate on my nerves. I have this overwhelming desire to press it to see what happens. I find it difficult to concentrate on anything other than that button.
So basically I have learnt nothing since I was a child who when told "don't touch that it's hot!" would glare at the person defiantly and slam my hand on the hot surface. I can't explain it, I'm not deliberatly that dense, it's just something I can't help but do.