Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Anyone have some spare time to share??

You know when you have a really really good book that you want to read, or you've downloaded (completley legally of course) a few episodes of your favourite series, and you get frustrated when you can't seem to find enough time in a day to get to it? This is even more irritating than that. I have all these ideas swimming around in my head for this book and I so badly want to get them all out and put it together properly but I just can't find the time to do it what with work, cleaning, cooking and the kids. By the time I finally sat down last night after getting home from work, doing the dinner thing, getting the kids to bed then doing the washing etc, baking stuff for tonight....and of course the spider incident (which was resolved thanks to my extremely brave new hero - my brother in law) it was 11.30pm. I had myself all nicely set up with my laptop on the couch, nice hot cup of tea beside me, all excited about finally getting the chance to do this. And... nothing. My brain was fried from such a busy day and any words I did manage to get down were messy and jumbled and not at all what I wanted :(

So for now, I'm having to settle for scribbled notes in a book so that I don't forget the things I want to remember, and snatched minutes through the day. I found half an hour just before to get a bit done but I wanted to stay in my PJs all day typing away. Alas, I have vacuuming and mopping and stuff to do before I head out for a visit with the sis. I suppose it would not be good parenting skills anyway to lock myself away in a room with my lap top all day leaving non perishable snacks and a pile of DVDs out for the children?

*sigh* I just hate that I've finally found a way to escape the crappiness of my current life situation, but I don't have the time to do it. Woe is me. There is a space below where you can hit reply and give me sympathy. Thanks.

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