Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This one is going to be a quick bullet point form version of updating cause I can't be bothered after a long tedious 12 hour shift with a particularly annoying and obnoxious parent to deal with...

*You know you are getting old when you mess up your age - my profile on the side there that says I am 27 years old... Incorrect. I am actually 28 years old, I realised this with much sadness as I drove to work this morning.

*If I hear that song by Vanessa Amorosi "This is who I am" with that awful freaky sounding laugh in the background one more time I think I may just hurt somebody

*Really wish I had researched a little bit more (more than NONE at least), and put a tad more thought into the details invovled in writing a book before actually commencing. Like what tense to write it in. I got three chapters into it, was feeling really good about it then picked up a few of my fav novels to flip through and realised that ALL of them are written in past tense, not in present tense as I had done - so I google it...and it seems that apparently any novel written in present tense is TERRIBLE and not worth reading. So I spent 2 hours last night rewriting the 3 chapters in the correct tense. And then the next chapter I wrote became this dreadful mixture of the two tenses because anytime I stopped concentrating on it I'd slip back into how I'd been writing before. *sigh*

*I really should not encourage my own dellusions by packing up a gym bag and putting it in the car as I leave for work at 6am, thinking proudly to myself how I will stop at the gym on the way home at 8pm that night. There was never any chance it was going to happen, and deep down I knew that. Instead, I arrived home and went straight to the fridge for a can of diet coke to wash down the 4 pieces of clinker slice I shovelled down. Meh...it was a long day, what can I say. There is always tomorrow hey. You never know I may just morph into a health freak overnight.

*Shower caps are not sexy. I still find it amusing whenever I glance at myself in the mirror, starkers with a piece of plastic covering my hair.

*The guinea pigs hiding (well not really - sitting just outside one of the main windows of the house, cleverly disguised by your everyday vertical blinds) in their cage outside, awaiting my oblivious childrens gasps of excitement on christmas morning are actually STILL ALIVE!!! I looked outside the windows at work this afternoon with horror at the torrential downpour of rain, lightening flashing and thunder grumbling and thought "oh crap, they're either fried by lightening, dead from shock, or floating around in a pool of water". But amazingly they are still sitting there wide eyed hearts pounding ready to scratch and claw and squeak when I try to tenderly pick them up and pat them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of the blog and you are very entertaining! Me.....a one line status update in facebook is more my style!!
