Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hot tips for today...

*Clinker slice is evil. Don't make it. If you do there is a very good chance you will decide to "just have one more piece" about 17 times and next thing you know, you are lying in fetal position on the couch feeling like you have some sort of bowel obstruction or perforated appendix.

*Make sure you lock all the doors in your house before you go out. If you don't and then later discover whilst home alone at night after having a shower that a door has been unlocked for the whole afternoon whilst you've been galivanting around the country side, you will freak out like I did last night. You will find yourself going into every room, checking every corner and under every bed to make sure there are no axe murderers lying in wait for you to go to bed so they can slaughter you in your sleep.

*Don't stay up till 2am writing when you have to get up at 5.30am to go to work. The whole blood shot eyes and slurred speech thing isn't a good look, especially when young children's lives are in your hands. Parents don't feel terribly confident in your abilities when you look like you are about to fall asleep every time you blink REALLY slowly.

And that is all for today :D

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