Wednesday, January 6, 2010

For my beautiful Nana....

Smile through your tears…

A special man has left the earth, but his memory will remain
And I know we can find good through the depths of our shared pain
For although he has now gone, his strength and loyalty have not
Imprinted in ourselves, those qualities can never be forgot

His footprints will remain embossed upon your heart
With unwavering love even though you’re now apart
Taste the tears as they fall, for they are filled with such love
For the man who was yours, now in the hands of God above

Let the emptiness remind you of the companionship you shared
Don’t let yourself forget the devoted way he loved and cared
Treasure every little memory, all the laughter and the tears
The good times and the bad that you shared throughout the years

Along your journey there were stumbles, hard times that shook your steady feet
But united you remained - Supporting each other through the obstacles you’d meet
Your shared story may have ended, but your special bond will never break
And your life enduring love is something death could never take

In your heartache and your grief, as you try to say goodbye
May Gods comfort hold you strong, as he counts the tears you cry
When the pain is overwhelming, when it all becomes too tough
I pray you’ll feel our love surround you, and that will be enough

Please take our hand as we reach out; let us carry you when you are weak
Borrow strength from us, as we wipe the tears from off your cheek
Turn to those of us around you, as before we’ve turned to you
Let us guide you through your hurt in return for all you do

Let the loss of one we love, only bring us closer together
In our loving family find protection against the stormy weather
And on a day that’s filled with tears, may we also share a smile
To know how blessed we are to have known him for a while

1 comment:

  1. That was truly beautiful Sandy. Hugest hugs and strength through this time xx <3
