Monday, January 4, 2010

Saving the world one calendar at a time & surviving a horror film

So I also purchased, amongst other things today at the shops, my 2010 calendar. I grabbed some random calendar I saw on special with photos from around the world or something super fascinating like that. Anyways, I get it home to notice a big sticker on it saying "ECO-FRIENDLY - Made with all recycled materials". Well, my chest puffs out and I think to myself what a wonderful person I am for being so environmentally friendly - almost a "greenie" I reckon. I rip the plastic off, absolutely delighted with myself and stick it onto my 600litre industrial sized fridge, and then go and throw the next load of washing into the dryer. It's all about setting an example isn't it? Everyone will walk into my home and see my eco-friendly calendar and it will motivate them to be as environmentally conscience as I am. last night my bestie came over for a sleepover with her kidlets. This girl is CRAZY about horror movies...she loves them. Me, on the other hand, not so great with them. I find myself hyperventilating, clutching at my heart that feels like it's about to explode out of my chest, and screaming at the stupid idiot on the screen; something along the lines of "DON'T GO IN THERE YOU IDIOT!!!" or "NOOOOOOOO HE HAS A GUN!!". I also do the whole blocking my ears and closing my eyes thing - very 4 year old of me really, but I seriously can't help it. darling bestie decides she really wants to see "Paranormal activity" and I decided to be brave and watch it with her - on the proviso that she sleep in my room with me that night of course.
So the movie goes on, and it's fairly slow and quite boring except for when this couple sets up the camera at night and you see the time fast forwarding while they sleep - nothing happens, then the clock slows down to normal speed and something freaky happens. Eventually every time the frigging clock slowed down I got myself worked up into a frenzy going "'what now????". I am pleased to say I survived it with very little screaming at the two idiot characters (who chose to stay in a house 24/7 despite there being some sort of soul sucking demon in there, as you do), and I only closed my eyes once at the very very end. I think it shows how much I have matured over the years yes? And the fact that I have Emma sleeping in my room with me tonight is simply because I needed to do it as bribery since Bailey has a friend sleeping over tonight - it has nothing to do with me needing someone to clutch onto in the middle of the night when I think the invisible demon is going to grab me by the legs and pull me from the room.
Now I should mention also that my lovely little Emma learnt a valuable lesson today, so she has inspired my "tip for the day": Never play with chilli (ie. pull it apart with your fingers and play with the seeds) and then rub your fingers in your eyes. If you do you will spend the next hour or so crying and having to hold a dripping wet washer across your eyes.

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