Sunday, January 3, 2010

Guinea pig & novel update, and false advertising...

(You can see why I titled this blog "random drivel" huh?)

So I'm driving along today and I see this old piece of cardboard stuck to a telegraph pole at a set of lights. Someone has scrawled on it, in Niko pen "Live your dream life! Earn a 6 figure salary from home. Ph XXXXXX" and I think to myself - I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! If you earn such great money doing whatever it is you supposedly do from home, how come you can't afford a decent sign to advertise??

Now for the guinea pig update. The kids bought them this new little tent thing to sit in inside their cage. It's really quite cute I have to say but it has caused quite a problem. They never come out. They jam themselves so far inside the tent, it occasionally tips backwards and in order to extricate them out for cuddles with the kids, you have to grab and pull with all your might, anchoring the tent in the other hand while they dig their claws into the carpet on the bottom with their little kung foo grip. I put their food outside their tent to lure them out, but they refuse to go near it until you are out of sight and then they drag the food back into the tent to eat. SO..I made the executive decision to confiscate the tent from them for the time being. I purchased a different model that is just like a big igloo with no flooring, so I can easily lift it off them and TA DA! They will be vulnerable once again and unable to avoid my darling childrens displays of over affection.

I achieved my goal for the weekend with the novel I am very pleased to tell you. I am half way through chapter 11, have written roughly 30,000 words which makes me *about* a quarter of the way through the rough draft! Pretty impressive effort for two weeks work, even if I do say so myself. I am not by any means suggesting it's a great or even readable novel, but regardless, I have made good progress :P

Much to do before bed (including more writing) and am up at the crack of dawn for work so on that note I am off :) Night!


  1. Good on you Sandy in regards to the Novel :) Proud of you hunnie. Hmm maybe you're inspiring me to write my children's play that I keep putting off. I can't wait until your novel is a big block buster film and I can say to my friends " Yeh I know the author of that, and I knew her before she was rich and famous. Keep up the good work xx

  2. Thanks hun, you should definetley do it!! It can be something that's just for you :D I don't care whether anyone else ends up seeing this novel or not, I just want to finish it because I am loving doing it! Being rich wouldn't be such a bad thing though :P

  3. You better be sharing the novel! I am itching to read it when it is finished!

  4. You get first dibs Wendy - you have to edit it :P

  5. I'd love to have a read too Sandy!
