Saturday, January 2, 2010


Okay, my guilty conscience is eating me up over several indiscretions that have taken place over the last few days. This being my latest outlet and all, you get to hear all about it...

  1. So, last night the whole deleting my facebook account thing and not knowing what was going on with everybody on it got just a *little* bit too much. It started to really irritate me when someone (thanks Jo) mentioned something about one of our mutual acquaintances status updates. I came home rather frustrated that this whole world of insignificant events was taking place and I had no access to it. So....I did the dodgy and signed in using David's log in details. I felt evil as I searched for my friends and checked up on them. It was like being a spy I tell you. Somehow I was sure that someone would realise what I'd done. So after less than 2 minutes I quickly logged out and pretended to myself it had never happened. Interestingly, it appeared that I had not missed much at all.
  2. My kids were driving me a little batty the other day. Lots of "muuuummm Bailey looked at me funny" etc etc. I had enough of trying to ignore it while on the couch in the lounge with them when a scathingly brilliant idea fell upon me. "I'm going to the toilet" I announced loudly - both children turning to look at me as though I'd lost my sanity. Why is she telling us this so dramatically? I could see them thinking. I rummaged around to find three old magazines and sat on the closed toilet seat for almost 20 minutes with the door closed reading magazines, their whinging and whining a mere faint mumor in the background. It was not a complete success, I have to admit, there were a few moments in that 20 minutes where one of them would march up to the door and say "Muuuum...I'm hungry" or "can we watch a movie?". I finally gave up when Bailey came to the door and said "Mum are you STILL in there?". I suddenly had images of him announcing to family at the dinner table that his mother spends hours on the toilet, and didn't want everyone to worry that I had irritable bowel syndrome or anything. Still -I did enjoy that hot, sweaty and uncomfortable but QUIETER 20 minutes and I may just utilise this scheme sometime in the future again.
  3. Okay this one is the most mortifying confession. Please bear in mind that I am currently suffering from some mild form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and that recent life events have led me to do uncharacteristic things - the following being included in that category. Okay so to preface, I have never been a fan of the actor Robert Pattinson. In fact when Twilight first came out and everyone was raving about him I remember distinctly thinking "ew, what are they on about?" I saw him as this scruffy, unkempt looking gangly dude who looked like he needed a good long shower and a haircut. I saw the movie and was still unimpressed. In fact, the powder on his face and the red lipstick almost made it worse. But then....I read the books and took a bit of a shining to this Edward character. So after reading all four books, I once again watched twilight and new moon and suddenly I found myself lusting after good old scruffy Rob. Which brings me to my awful confession. Last night, when once again I was unable to sleep and my brain would no longer form good enough sentences to continue with writing, I found myself on the net. After perusing my usual handful of sites I was bored. I went to youtube and watched a few silly videos that were featured on the main page and then stumbled across a Rob Pattinson interview. So the dude is British I discover, and has this rather funky accent. Oh and it turns out he's kinda funny. So I sit there, for a freakin' hour watching random interviews with Rob Pattinson in them like some obsessed teenage fan. I went to bed feeling rather humiliated by the experience I have to say. I erased the history on my computer, else someone find the evidence and mock me. And here I am now - sharing my most shameful (well recently anyway) moment with the public. And I SWEAR I am now signing off to go to bed with my lap top and do some writing. I will NOT be going to youtube. Not today anyway. Most likely.


  1. HAHAH Sandy! You are so cute!
    Ive bundled off to the "toilet" with a book or magazines more than once!

    As for Rob Pattinson... SO TOTALLY get you on it! I was excactly the same! I didnt see what the fuss was about, he wasnt attractive at ALL.
    Until I read the books! Now... Im in love, and Im a super happy Twi-Hard LOL

  2. lmao U made me laugh. I can't do the toilet thing yet, because princess Aaliyah follows me everywhere including the toilet. Driving me a bit batty at the moment. But good on you :)

    Still don't understand your Robert Pattinson thing....I don't really enjoy his character in twilight, I find him too lovey dovey for me..I think if you could mix him and Jacob you would have the "perfect" man. I like 'em a bit rough and tough...but I think I like 'em a bit soft and gooey as well. Yeh like that even

  3. LOL thanks Bel, I feel much better now that you've justified my irrational crush :P Manda, he is a bit stalkerish I have to admit, and I couldn't stand someone telling me what I can and can't do like he does to Bella but meh...I still take him :D
