Sunday, January 3, 2010

Price check on aisle 9....

Is it just me or are there others out there that felt an abnormal rush of excitment when the first "self service" checkouts were introduced at woolworths and coles?? I cannot tell you how much I ADORE using these things. I get such delight from hearing the little beep everytime I swipe an item, and hurling them as quickly as I can into the bags. I've always had a burning desire to spend a day in the life of a check out chick. I've always thought what a cool job it would be (well to trial anyway, I imagine anymore than once every 6 months you'd find the experience somewhat mundane and lacking challenge), and sometimes had urges to lean over and grab the microphone and mumble "price check on aisle 9" or something exciting like that.

So is this just me? Are you all going to point and yell "freak" at me, or does someone else share my passion for pretending to be a checkout chick whenever you do your groceries??


  1. hehe I love checking my prices on the self scanners. But we don't have the do it yourself things at our coles yet. We are so far behind the times up here in the land of north. I like the beep beep noise as well....lmao

  2. You are seriously missing out Manda...I'd start some sort of petition if I were you.

  3. Lol my mum freaked out coz I took a trolley full ot groceries to the self serve checkout. She thought it was just if u bought a small amount of things but i dont care, i like scanning my own stuff.
