Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thankyou stranger at the gym on the treadmill

This is just a little shout out to the dude who was running on the treadmill next to me at the gym this morning. I was very very motivated today and after my night shift I stopped at the gym on the way home for a quick run on the treadmill. I told myself I'd TRY to run 5kms without falling asleep but wasn't sure I could do it. I almost gave up at 3km then some random fella got on the treadmill next to me all fit and stuff and ran beside me looking all athletic. I got to 4km and wanted to stop but this annoying dude next to me who was strutting his stufff made me keep going. Buggered if I was going to stop before him! Meanwhile he started a good 20 minutes after I did but I refused to stop until he had. So I ended up running 7km. Impressive after a night duty I reckon. I hope he didn't notice me glaring at him competitively out of the corner of my eye. Or my smug expression when he finally stopped and I was still stumbling along in a sleepy daze, thinking I was all that cause I "beat him". I almost threw my hands up in the air as though a marathon runner breaking the ribbon at the end of the race, people cheering for me everywhere. I almost grabbed my water bottle and poured it over my head too. It would have looked cool, I know it would have. Although I suppose there would be the risk of electrocution being on the treadmill and all. Still....
So I haven't managed to stick with my chapter a day goal....that was a very unrealistic goal to set myself I realise this now, I did my best, I wrote at least 2 hours each day I think....and still have three more days left so you never know I may get there by Sunday. I have a few hours spare now (thanks to my wonderful Dad who is babysitting and said not to rush over after my sleep and to enjoy some "me time" :) :) :) ) So I am going to go hard and get another chapter or two done. I started reading a Jodie Piccult book for the first time yesterday (I know strange but I still try to squeeze in reading books between trying to write my own - I don't watch TV so I need some kind of down time) and now I am feeling hugely intimidated. I can't write clever stuff like that. Hmmmf. No fair. AND I would just like to point out that her books (well the one I am reading anyways) is WRITTEN IN PRESENT TENSE. I knew it wasn't so ridiculous of me to have done that. Too late to change it all back now but anyways.
Well....on that note I am going to go and stuff my face silly since I have not eaten since 11pm last night. Must ignore large box of chocolates in fridge - defeats the whole purpose of having raced random stranger at the gym this morning - MUST NOT EAT JUNK.
Oh - I should mention too, I am going out tomorrow night with my girly friends...out out! Haven't done this in a very very long time and I am really looking forward to it :D We have even booked an apartment to stay at in there since I hate when you reach that point at 2am or whatever where you suddenly change from having an awesome time to "I want to be at home in bed right this very minute" and then you have to endure an hour or so of lining up for a taxi, watching people spew in the gutter *shudder* and then the painful (and expensive) taxi drive home with the scary indian dude who ignores red lights like they are just a recommendation or something and you sit there reminding yourself that you really HAVE to organise getting your Will done. So for only $50 each we can just stumble back to our beds and avoid all that rubbish. AND I suspect we may just realise we are way too old and wrinkly and prudish to be clubbing anymore and we can just go back for some quiet drinks at the apartment instead.
So...have a good weekend all!!

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